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New LIfe defined

I was lucky enough to work with the good people at New Life Defined to explore ways to improve booking trips on their Wellness site.


I lead a team of product designers responsible for designing, realising the vision and scaling for the Midtown Radio launch


4 Weeks


New Life Defined had been struggling to increase bookings outside of refferals, which is likely due to their lack of mobile presence

Team Members

Product Managers: Gavilan Longino
UX/UI Designers: Daimen Carter


Figma,  After Effects, Webflow


By creating a separate easy-to-navigate medium for users to book Taneka Thorton and purchase educational resouces. New Life Defined services would allow users to be both mentally fit and  emotionally assured.
Figma,  After Effects, Webflow
UI/UX, Wireframing, Rapid Prototyping, User Testing, Strategy, Design

Who is New Life Defined

New Life Defined is a company led by author Taneka Thorton. New Life Defined is responsible for establishing and teaching positive coping mechanisms and ministry to teens and young adults.

Measuring Impacts & Success

Scaling Up Using Website

The goal of the New Life Defined project was to improve the breakdown of the event by making it live, dynamic and digital. We used live data from the modem of the vehicle and added the feature to the FordPass app.

Key Metrics and Targets

Raise conversion 30%

Book 20 Consultations a week

Establish Company news successfully



Identifying the key stakeholders, I drafted series of survey and in-person user interview questions.


I started the research process with a survey and interviews. I received 100 survey responses and conducted 7 interviews. Based on this data, I discovered what websites people use to improve their mental wellbeing.


Identifying the key stakeholders, I drafted series of survey and in-person user interview questions.

Empathy for users

I decided to spend a few days shadowing an individual who engages in therapy and focus groups. I wanted to gauge their process and understand their perspective outside of a normal interview setting. I wanted to build empathy with the user. I didn’t spend the time bombarding this person with questions. I shadowed their day and I was able to learn about what matters most to them. The common frustrations were outlined but there were also latent needs that I discovered. Experiencing their research process firsthand as a shadow allowed me to understand the pain porters people who seek treatment face. A common theme never mentioned in the interview was “ I did not know there were services outside of medical practices.”

Key Findings

Key Findings
  • 90% of the task were succesfully completed, people were able to navigage and find the information they needed
  • Services page needed descriptions to navigate products
  • Static service boxes confused users

Ideation & Brainstorming

The design team clarified the user flows and took out our sketchbooks to draw out various iterations of the homescreen. We experimented and compared with different blueprints, grouping the vital elements in the most intuitive ways possible.

Home Page A
Home Page B